Can shockwave therapy be harmful?

Mild side effects, such as minor swelling, bruising, or pain, may occur for a few days after the procedure, but serious side effects are extremely rare. Shockwave treatment is prohibited for use on or near open or post-surgical wounds, whether or not they are stabilized by glue, stitches, or extrusions. It's very clear that shock waves can seriously damage tissues and local circulation. Applying shockwave therapy too close to open or post-surgical wounds can not only deteriorate the wound, but also cause more bleeding and delay healing.

Shockwave therapy is absolutely safe in almost all circumstances. Compared to surgery for the same ailments, side effects are almost non-existent. You may experience mild swelling, bruising, or numbness in the affected area, but recovery is extremely fast. Relative and absolute contraindications for the use of shockwave therapy are designed to provide guidance to professionals and protect patients.

If appropriate precautions are taken during treatment, shockwave therapy can be used in patients with bleeding disorders or in patients who are taking anticoagulants. Patients with chronic pain often ask for and request shockwave therapy, despite its many serious contraindications, as it has the potential to provide rapid and lasting pain relief without the need for injections or surgery. The presence of the shock wave in or around these sensitive areas can damage the major blood vessels in those areas and place patients at an extremely high risk of catastrophic bleeding. There are absolute contraindications designed to warn Shockwave professionals not to use the therapy anywhere near or around the brain.

There are absolute contraindications against the use of shock wave therapy in people who have had devices implanted or have had hormones implanted. Conditions that have absolute contraindications to the use of shock wave therapy mean that it should not be used at all. Extracorporeal shock wave therapy is a non-invasive, non-surgical procedure that uses shock waves to treat and heal musculoskeletal conditions by increasing blood flow to the affected area. However, although when used following appropriate protocols, shockwave therapy can cause positive biological effects that promote healing, improve blood flow and accelerate tissue regeneration, contraindications should make professionals think.

There are absolute contraindications related to the use of shockwave therapy on or near certain parts of the body. However, there is increasing anecdotal evidence from professional sports teams and practitioners across Europe, indicating that the risks of using shock wave therapy earlier are scarce. Shockwave therapy is not recommended for use in a localized area, such as a pregnant woman's ankle, but it poses minimal risk to the fetus. Using a series of wave pulses, shockwave treatments are applied directly to the injured area or to an area of persistent pain.

While usually successful, all of these more invasive therapies require time off and can effectively end an athlete's season. Shockwave therapy, used in the right environments, can prepare patients for new implants by loosening previously implanted joints. While there are a large number of cases and situations in which shock wave therapy is appropriate and experiments have shown that its side effects are minimal, contraindications have demonstrated that, in some conditions, the use of shock waves is not a safe option.