How long does shockwave therapy ed last?

Most people who receive shock wave therapy for erectile dysfunction usually see benefits within one to three months. Initial results (in the first few weeks) can be dramatic. There isn't enough research or long-term data yet to indicate how long treatment might last, whether its effects might wear off, or if you'll need additional treatment later on. The standard number of treatments to achieve the goals is usually about 6 to 12 sessions.

We can provide maintenance sessions as needed after a man completes his initial round of treatments. Results may last for two to three years. Depending on the intensity of the pain and the number of areas being treated, the results may take less time to appear; likewise, if you have more severe chronic pain, you may need a second treatment after 16 weeks for optimal results. For some patients, a year of treatment, usually 3 to 6 treatments, may be necessary for optimal results.

Shockwave therapy is often recommended for patients who do not respond well to medication or who do not want more invasive treatments. A shockwave therapy regimen usually includes six different treatments, but treatment protocols may change as more research becomes available. Shockwave therapy seems to work best for people with vasculogenic erectile dysfunction, which is a blood vessel disorder that affects blood flow to penile tissue. It's important to distinguish shock wave therapy from radio wave therapy, which is often advertised as a non-invasive treatment for erectile dysfunction and is available in medical and non-medical facilities.

The shockwave device used for this treatment is a portable tool that generates energy from sound waves to send it through the body. There are several factors that can affect how long it takes for shockwave therapy to work, such as the patient's age, medical history, and the severity of erectile dysfunction (ED). Shockwave therapy helps the body dissolve fibrous scar tissue and treat this condition, helping to restore a man's sex life. Studies show that shockwave therapy can be painless for other uses and can even be a non-invasive method to help reduce pain after surgery.

Because shockwave therapy is a fairly new treatment for erectile dysfunction that isn't covered by insurance plans, your urologist may first recommend other treatment options for erectile dysfunction. Although it is not yet an FDA-approved treatment for erectile dysfunction, studies show an improvement in erectile function after shock wave therapy. Shockwave therapy is favorably viewed as a way to repair and strengthen penile blood vessels and improve blood flow. Most people can return to their normal activities the next day after shockwave therapy, but the urologist will discuss whether you should restrict your activity for longer to recover.

Some doctors may still offer shockwave therapy for erectile dysfunction, but its use outside of a research setting is not considered to be indicated on the label. Shockwave therapy may be a viable option for men who haven't gotten the results they wanted with other types of erectile dysfunction treatments. Overall, clinical studies have demonstrated that shockwave therapy is effective and safe, but more research is needed to identify potential risks and the best treatment protocols for people with erectile dysfunction.